- face validity
- • внешняя валидность• доверительная валидность• лицевая валидность• очевидная валидность
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Face validity — is a property of a test intended to measure something. The test is said to have face validity if it looks like it is going to measure what it is supposed to measure. [http://www.chssc.salford.ac.uk/healthSci/resmeth2000/resmeth/validity.htm] For… … Wikipedia
face validity — ➔ validity * * * face validity UK US noun [U] ECONOMICS ► in statistics, etc., the fact of something seeming to be a reasonable or accurate measure of something: »If a test has face validity, then it looks like a valid test to those who use it … Financial and business terms
face validity — noun A property of a test in which its appearance suggests to an observer that it will measure that which it has been designed to measure. One means toward avoiding a split between a profession and its academic discipline is to ensure that… … Wiktionary
face validity — a type of content validity, determining the suitability of a given instrument as a source of data on the subject under investigation, using common sense criteria … Medical dictionary
face validity — noun : apparent but untested statistical validity … Useful english dictionary
Face Validity — ⇡ Validität … Lexikon der Economics
validity — va‧lid‧i‧ty [vəˈlɪdti] noun [uncountable] LAW when a document is legally acceptable: • The shareholder group may question the legal validity of the merger in court. ˈface ˌvalidity STATISTICS figures, results, or data with face validity appear… … Financial and business terms
Очевидная валидность (face validity) — О. в. можно определить как то, в какой степени содержание теста и его заданий (пунктов) выглядит в глазах тестируемого подходящим для данной ситуации. Содержание очевидно валидных тестов легко опознается выполняющими их лицами, и потому ответы на … Психологическая энциклопедия
Validity (statistics) — In psychology, validity has two distinct fields of application. The first involves test validity, a concept that has evolved with the field of psychometrics but which textbooks still commonly gloss over in explaining that it is the degree to… … Wikipedia
validity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ great ▪ equal ▪ Don t you think that both views have equal validity? ▪ doubtful, dubious, questionable ▪ … Collocations dictionary
validity — The property of being genuine, a true reflection of attitudes, behaviour, or characteristics. A measure (such as a question, series of questions, or test) is considered valid if it is thought to measure the concept or property which it claims to… … Dictionary of sociology